Reading a file and resuming reading.

Laszlo Nagy gandalf at
Fri May 25 09:50:57 EDT 2007

Karim Ali wrote:
> Hi,
> Simple question. Is it possible in python to write code of the type:
> -----------------------------
> while not eof  <- really want the EOF and not just an empty line!
>     readline by line
> end while;
> -----------------------------
> What I am using now is the implicit for loop after a readlines(). I don't 
> like this at all as a matter of opinion (my background is C++).
> But also, in case for one reason or another the program crashes, I want to 
> be able to rexecute it and for it to resume reading from the same position 
> as it left. If a while loop like the one above can be implemented I can do 
> this simply by counting the lines!
> I appreciate any help.
What about this:

fin = file('test.txt','r')
for line in fin:

By the way, readline returns an empty line only at the end of the file. 
In all other cases, it will return a string that ends with a newline. 
E.g. you can detect if you are at the end of the file or not. But using 
the above snippet is usually better. Text files are iterable, line by line.



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