How to do basic CRUD apps with Python

walterbyrd walterbyrd at
Sun May 13 19:20:58 EDT 2007

With PHP, libraries, apps, etc. to do basic CRUD are everywhere. Ajax
and non-Ajax solutions abound.

With Python, finding such library, or apps. seems to be much more
difficult to find.

I thought django might be a good way, but I can not seem to get an
answer on that board.

I would like to put together a CRUD grid with editable/deletable/
addable fields, click on the headers to sort. Something that would
sort-of looks like an online  spreadsheet. It would be nice if the
fields could be edited in-line, but it's not entirely necessary.

Are there any Python libraries to do that sort of thing? Can it be
done with django or cherrypy?

Please, don't advertise your PHP/Ajax apps.

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