wxpython - button question

Sick Monkey sickcodemonkey at gmail.com
Fri May 18 21:08:55 EDT 2007

I have the following code which will basically take an image file and create
a bitmap image.  I am having one problem though in that there is a white
border around the image.  Does anyone know how to take that off?

        imageFile2 = "image.png"
        image2 = wx.Image(imageFile2, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY).ConvertToBitmap()
        self.button2 = wx.BitmapButton(self, id=-1, bitmap=image2,
            pos=(10, 140), size = (image2.GetWidth()-2, image2.GetHeight()))
        self.button2.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.button2Click)
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