Microsoft's Dynamic Languages Runtime (DLR)

sturlamolden sturlamolden at
Wed May 2 14:22:41 EDT 2007

On Monday Microsoft announced a new runtime for dynamic languages,
which they call "DLR". It sits on top of the conventional .NET runtime
(CLR)  and provides services for dynamically typed languages like
Python or Lisp (thus the cross-posting). Apparently is is distributed
under a BSD-like open-source license.

I am curious to know how it performs in comparison to CPython and an
efficient compiled Lisp like CMUCL. Speed is a major problem with
CPython but not with .NET or CMUCL, so it will be interesting to see
how the DLR performs in comparison. It would be great to finally see a
Python that runs on steroids, but knowing M$ bloatware my expectations
are not too high.

Has anyone looked at the DLR yet? What are your impression?

Jim Hugunin har written about the DLR in his blog:

To cite one of the comments: "Fuck this microsoft bollocks! You just
stole the Lisp runtime ideas and fucked them up by stupid it salesman
lingo." (Khrishna)

Sturla Molden

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