List Moderator

Michael L Torrie torriem at
Mon May 21 11:16:57 EDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 14:24 +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> To quantify things for curiosity's sake, I just scanned through
> the last 1000 postings in c.l.p.  There was exactly 1 spam
> message and two replies to spam messages complaining about
> them.

I'm seeing 2 messages a day, lately, to c.l.p that are blatant and a bit
rude spam (and some would argue this thread is spam), out of about
200-400 messages per day.  I just barely deleted one a moment ago, in
fact.  While that's not bad at all, my other mailing lists (gtk-list,
openldap, etc) all get 0 spam per day.  Also they are getting annoying
mainly because they seem so preventable.  They all have the same "from"
address.  If this was a normal mailinst list, the moderators could
unsubscribe that address and prevent it from subscribing again.  

I'm not at all sure how moderation is working here.  I am subscribed to
c.l.p exclusively through the mailman mailing list, so I don't ever use
the nntp part.  

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