Trying to choose between python and java

Michael Bentley michael at
Wed May 16 03:13:36 EDT 2007

On May 15, 2007, at 8:21 PM, Anthony Irwin wrote:

> I saw on the python site a slide from 1999 that said that python was
> slower then java but faster to develop with is python still slower
> then java?

I guess that all depends on the application.  Whenever I have a  
choice between using something written in Java -- and *anything else*  
-- I choose the non-Java option because the JVM is such a hog-beast.   
Sure, once it is running, it may run at a nice clip (which is not my  
experience but I don't want to seem argumentative) but loading the  
Java environment is a pain.  Perfect example is with Aptana, which I  
*really* like -- but if I want to use it, I've got to shut everything  
else off -- and it still brings my poor old machine to its knees  
(note: my computer doesn't actually have knees).

I've never developed in Java though.  Lots of people do, so it must  
have it's merits.


The Rules of Optimization are simple.
Rule 1: Don't do it.
Rule 2 (for experts only): Don't do it yet.
                                  -Michael A. Jackson

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