zipfile stupidly broken

Martin Maney maney at
Sat May 19 12:31:38 EDT 2007

Nick Craig-Wood <nick at> wrote:
> To search 64k for all zip files would slow down the opening of all zip
> files whereas most zipfiles don't have comments.

No, actually it would only slow down for files which do have comments,
assuming I understand the code correctly.  IME most zipfiles don't have
any comments at all, and would be unaffected.  To be honest, if I had
even known that zipfiles could have comments before I ran into this,
I'd long since forgotten it.

> You don't need to do that, you can just "monkey patch" the _EndRecData
> function.

For a quick & dirty test, sure.  If I were certain I'd only ever use
this on one machine for a limited time (viz, no system upgrades that
replace it might suffice.  But that doesn't generalize
worth a damn.

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