Webserver balance load

Jeff McNeil jeff at jmcneil.net
Mon Mar 5 20:58:32 EST 2007

If you're willing to spend some serious dollars, there are also hardware
products out there that do this type of stuff.  We run a few F5 6800 E
systems. I've come to love their iRules feature - a TCL-based event driven
scripting system for network traffic. RAM cache, SSL offload, and so on.
They'll even tunnel thousands of front-end connections through a few HTTP
KeepAlive sessions on the backend.

The downsides to something like that are a) price and b) they use a SNAT
approach so all client source addresses on the web system are that of the
internal local interface on the load balancer (though there are other
approachs if that bothers you - DSR/N-Path, I replace source in the logs
with X-Forwarded-For.split(",")[0]).

There's also mod_proxy + mod_proxy_balancer:

Note that while all of these systems will provide better load distribution,
they will not provide H/A unless they're configured in a cluster config as a
standalone load balancer is still a single point of failure.


On 3/5/07, Michael <ms at cerenity.org> wrote:
> Johny wrote:
> > Can anyone suggest a way how to balance load on Apache server where I
> > have Python scripts running?
> > For example I have 3 webservers( Apache servers) and I would like to
> > sent user's request to one of the three server depending on a load on
> > the server.
> To be honest, you're best looking at the Linux Virtual Server project.
> It's
> really cool technology and scales extremely well. You can do things at a
> higher level, but LVS does work and scale extremely well. VS-TUN is
> particularly useful if you have an unusual network topology.
> http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/
> Michael.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
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