help developing an editor to view openoffice files.

krishnakant Mane researchbase at
Wed Mar 14 05:17:44 EDT 2007

On 14/03/07, Paul Hummer <paul at> wrote:

> I actually just read this in the O'Reilly book "Python Cookbook," so I
> know this answer off the top of my head.  OpenOffice files are merely
> zip files with well documented XML inside.  Use the builtin zip module
> to open them, and then it's just XML parsing.  As far as the editor,
> you'll have to familiarize yourself with the XML data from the
> documentation, and it sounds like that's quite a project.
it is indeed a huge project but I need to get started.
I know that it is xml inside a zipped archive.  but reading the
documents is one thing and rendering them is another.
just in case we can convert it to html and then render it in some kind
of a html browser or html text area and then when user makes changes
to the document, we can save it back to odt.  but for that we need
both way conversion.

> Just out of curiosity, why not just download OpenOffice?
I wished I could use it out of the box.
but the problem is that open office does not provide any accessibility
on windows and on linux the work is going on.

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