Python's "only one way to do it" philosophy isn't good?

Paul Rubin http
Sat Jun 16 01:00:26 EDT 2007

Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfraed at> writes:
> 	Adding generator expressions, which look identical except that one
> typically has () (or the () of an enclosing function call) while the
> other must have [] just seems to add confusion to the world. I'll
> abstain on "with"... Decorators I've not managed to figure out, and that
> refugee from Dr Moreau -- the inside out conditional expression -- is a
> prime candidate for termination...

Python has really changed its flavour over the past few releases, if
you develop a style that uses the above features (well maybe not the
if-expression) extensively.  The learning curve is steeper but you end
up writing cleaner code that's free of corner cases.  

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