Google breaks international charset messages (was: Internationalised email subjects)

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Thu Jun 21 19:31:26 EDT 2007

bugmagnet at writes:

> Seems some characters are missing from my last post.  The line that
> says:
> h = Header('  ', 'GB2312')
> should say:
> h = Header('  ', 'GB2312')

Your message has this field in the header:

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

which is why the non-ASCII characters don't appear. This is the fault
of Google's charset munging.

Please, people who use Google for mail and Usenet, kick them until
they present "utf-8" as the default encoding, instead of downgrading
to "us-ascii".

 \                           "I lost a button-hole."  -- Steven Wright |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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