Email attachments

Max M maxm at
Wed Jan 24 14:52:06 EST 2007

Steve Holden skrev:
> I'm having some trouble getting attachments right for all recipients, 
> and it seems like Apple's is the pickiest client at the moment. 
> It doesn't handle attachments that both Thunderbird and Outlook find 
> perfectly acceptable.
> Since the code I'm using is currently ugly and embedded, before I trim 
> it down for posting could anyone who's successfully generated emails 
> with attachments received by let me know if they had any 
> problems along the way? Google hasn't given me much on this, but I'm not 
> feeling very creative today.

This method is used in one of my Plone products, and there is also a bit 
of imap in there. But it is probably simple enough to extract the 
attachment relevant parts....

     security.declareProtected(EDIT_CONTENTS_PERMISSION, 'sendMessage')
     def sendMessage(self, to=None, cc=None, bcc=None, inReplyTo=None,
                     subject=None, body='', attachments=None, mode=None,
                     folderPath=None, uid=None, REQUEST=None):
         "Sends a message"
         site_encoding = self._site_encoding()
         # Create the message
         msg = Message()
         msg.set_payload(body, site_encoding)
         # if attachment, convert to multipart
         # file fields are posted even if empty, so we need to remove 
those :-s
         if attachments is None:
             attachments = []
         attachments = [a for a in attachments if a]
         if attachments or (mode == 'Forward'):
             mimeMsg = MIMEMultipart()
             # If mode is Forward we get original message as attachment
             if mode == 'Forward' and folderPath and uid:
                 original = self.fetchMessageFromPath(folderPath, uid)
             for attachment in attachments:
                 # Add the attachment
                 tmp = email.message_from_string(str(attachment.headers))
                 filename = tmp.get_param('filename', 'Attachment', 
                 # clean up IE paths
                 filename = filename[max(filename.rfind('/'),
                 contentType = tmp['Content-Type']
                 attach_part = Message()
                 attach_part.add_header('Content-Type', contentType, 
'attachment', filename=filename)
             msg = mimeMsg
         # set headers on message
         from_ = self.getEmail()
         msg['From'] = from_
         msg['Reply-To'] = from_
         if to: msg['To'] = to
         if cc: msg['Cc'] = cc
         if bcc: msg['Bcc'] = bcc
         msg['Date'] = self.ZopeTime().rfc822() # needed by some servers
         if inReplyTo:
             msg['In-Reply-To'] = inReplyTo
         msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, site_encoding)
         # Send the message
         SMTPserver = self._mailhost()
         outbox = smtplib.SMTP(SMTPserver)
             cleaner = lambda adresses: [adress.strip() for adress in 
adresses.split(',') if adress.strip()]
             all_receivers = cleaner(to) + cleaner(cc) + cleaner(bcc)
             outbox.sendmail(from_, all_receivers, msg.as_string())
             success = 1
             success = 0
         # append the message to the 'Sent' box
         if success:
             Sent = self.getSentboxName()
             connection = self.getConnection()
                 connection.append(Sent, msg.as_string(), ('\\Seen',))
                 # we don't want to not send messages just because the 
sentbox isn't set correctly
         # returns a portal status message
         if REQUEST:
             if success:
                 message = 'Succes! The message was sent '
                 message = 'Error! The message could not be sent'
             REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() + 
'/mxmImapClient_compose?portal_status_message=%s' % message)


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

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