Any python scripts to do parallel downloading?

Carl J. Van Arsdall cvanarsdall at
Wed Jan 31 18:13:59 EST 2007

Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
> [snip]
> You're right.  Learning new things is bad.  My mistake.
> Jean-Paul
That isn't what I said at all.  You have to look at it from a 
cost/benefit relationship.  Its a waste of time/money to learn something 
complex to do something simple.  For the simple things, use a simple 
solution.  KISS.  When he has an application that would require 
something more complex, it would be at that point he should consider 
using it for a project.  Unless the OP has a desire to learn this 
technology, then more power to him.  I, however, do not believe that 
would be the best approach for a simple problem.

Knowing the appropriate tool for the job is a trait of an good engineer.


Carl J. Van Arsdall
cvanarsdall at
Build and Release
MontaVista Software

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