KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT Re: Did The Chinese Violate Any Treaties?

brainfart fart at
Tue Jan 30 09:56:07 EST 2007

thermate at wrote...
> In this evil regime of George W Bush, you better keep your mouth
> shut about international treaties. Many more finger will point at
> you if you even point one finger at others.

I'm not sure if there is a treaty regarding such tests, and if there
is I doubt China signed it and the USA only signed it after it had
already conducted such tests and collected all the data it needs to
ensure a reliable anti-satellite weapon system.  Just like how the
USA called for a worldwide nuclear test ban after it had already
tested enough atomic bombs to gather all possible information on
nuclear explosions, so the only ones affected by such bans are the
up and coming world powers who missed the opportunity to conduct
basic scientific research in those areas before the ban took effect.

As for this particular test, it is China's way of telling us to go
fuck ourselves if we think we have any say about China's reconquest
of Taiwan.  As an American, I can tell you that there is no way we
are going to support Taiwan if it means the destruction of our
satellite infrastructure and thus our way of life.  Half of America
would drive off cliffs as their GPS navigators stopped working, and
the other half would quickly surrender to the Chinese in exchange
for restoring cellular telephone service.

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