c++ for python programmers

Michael ms at cerenity.org
Sun Feb 18 15:33:38 EST 2007

Thomas Nelson wrote:

> I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction most
> people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++ introduction for
> python programmers?

There's been lots of answers, but no-one's mentioned the book I like:
   * Accelerated C++ by Koenig & Moo

It dives straight into C++ - rather than attempting to say "look, C++ is
built ontop of C, so I'll teach you C first, I'll recognise that the idioms
for developing in C++ are different and start from there instead".

It's in my opinion by far and away one of the best intros I've read. (I'm
not saying that lightly either - I rank it as good/language relevant an
introduction as Learning Perl used to be, and the K&R book can be for many
C developers).

In many respects it'll also show you some of the similarities between python
and C++, and the differences.


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