
SoutoJohn at gmail.com SoutoJohn at gmail.com
Sun Feb 4 08:16:27 EST 2007

On Feb 4, 7:26 am, "Mark" <mark.m.mcma... at gmail.com> wrote:

Hey, I really appreciate you responding to my post. I've been on this
problem for some days now and it was getting to me. Sad that pywinauto
doesn't run on Win98SE, are there any other Python libraries for
'automating' Windows COM? If not I looked into AutoIt, which is a
Windows automation tool. It has a DLL which I believe contains all the
methods it does in the scripting language it has. I read over the
(yeah, 'the'. I keep finding the exact same tutorial) ctypes tutorial,
and I don't get it. I don't get how to load a DLL. So if I had a
script file 'test.py' and a DLL 'AutoIt3X.DLL' in the same folder, how
could I load it? The tutorial did something like dll=windll.kernel32,
which I understands loads the kernel but I don't see how I could apply
that to load AutoIt3X. Thanks in advanced.

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