when will python 2.5 take in mainstream?

Paul Rubin http
Mon Feb 5 11:20:28 EST 2007

Laurent Pointal <laurent.pointal at limsi.fr> writes:
> IMHO trying to have a binary compatibility with older compiled modules
> by maintaining an ad-hoc layer to switch between 2.4/2.5 engines make
> Python code more complex. And more complex code have generally more
> bugs. This is the reason for my KISS hope about Python.

I haven't heard of other languages that seriously try to do that,
though maybe some do.  I do know that in high-availability systems
it's common to expect to be able to upgrade the software without
interrupting the running system.  Erlang has features for that, and
I've worked on C programs that implemented such hot-upgrade in painful
ways.  It's done (at least in the one I worked on) by making fresh
copies in of all the important objects in a new address space,
converting if necessary from the old version's data formats to the new
version's, then switching from the old software and old space to the
new software and new space.  I think Python isn't used much for this
type of application and so nobody has gone to such extremes.

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