Testers please

Martien Friedeman bob at work.org
Tue Feb 13 18:07:10 EST 2007

Thanks Stef!

I looked at that area of storing large structures. That would seriously
make the whole thing much more complicated.

Say you have object 'foo' and it has lots of attributes.

If you're only accessing foo.length in the statement 

'if foo.length > 12:'

why should I store everything about foo? Its 'length' is the only
attribute accessed, therefore I only store its 'length'. 
And therefore you can not click on 'foo', only on 'length'. 
No video shows such an example though. 

On the other hand if you had the statement

'if foo:'

then 'foo' would be able to be clicked, and it would say '<__main__.Foo
instance ... etc. The usual. No attributes though.

The interface is web based; I was going to make it as universal as
possible. The web server is required to do the Ajax thing and display
pages. Makes it harder to install too, unfortunately. 

The size of the 'recording' is a major drawback, it was clearly not meant
to record the processing of millions of records.

I need to find a way to specify the area in the code that needs recording.

Thanks for the suggestions.

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