cPickle EOF Error

Roopesh roopesh.raj at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 08:29:20 EST 2007

I am trying to write xml files which are inside a zip file into the

In the zipfile module the function read returns bytes. What I did was
to make a blob out of the returned bytes and write it to the
database(for this I used cPickle). I also used _mysql's escape_string
which escapes some characters (without this the file content was not
getting written).  But once we try to unpickle the content, an EOF
error is getting thrown. When I tried putting the content(xml in
database) to a file without unpickling then the xml file with escape
characters gets printed.

My code is as follows :

def import_cards():
        try :
                conn =

                cursor = conn.cursor()

                cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE card (serial_no int(10),
id varchar(50), data blob, used char(1), ip varchar(20),
date_downloaded datetime)")

                z = zipfile.ZipFile('/home/roopesh/public_html/
cards.zip', 'r')

                sql = "INSERT INTO card (serial_no, id, data, used)
values (%s, %s, %s, %s)"

                for filename in z.namelist() :
                        bytes = z.read(filename)
                        data = cPickle.dumps(bytes, 2)
                        #print data
                        cursor.execute(sql, (1, filename ,
_mysql.escape_string(data), 'n'))

                sql = "SELECT serial_no, id, data, used FROM card"

                for serial_no, id, data, used in cursor.fetchall() :
                        print serial_no, id,
#                        f = open(id ,'wb')
#                        f.write(data.tostring())
        finally :
                cursor.execute("DROP TABLE card")

        return True

The output is :
roopesh at dg:~/public_html$ python cardManagement.py
1 cards/passcard1.xml
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cardManagement.py", line 136, in ?
  File "cardManagement.py", line 28, in import_cards
    print serial_no, id, cPickle.loads(data.tostring())

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