Python import search path!

SMALLp pofuk at
Fri Dec 14 16:44:00 EST 2007

I'm new in Linux, and i feel little less newer in python.

I need advice and help. I'm making an application witch purpose is 
irrelevant. It has a lot of code for now and I've only made interface. 
So I've tried to split code into separate files and in windows as I 
remember worked file when i wrote  eg. import myFile but now in Ubuntu 
it says Module not found. (I'm using Ubuntu and I've installed python 
2.5 and wxPython 2.8.4, and I'm using GedIt as my favorite text editor). 
The question is how to make this work (files are in the same folder)

Second question is about import wx. When i separate code into files i 
have to write import wx into every file because all of them contains 
some part of the interface. Does that make my program bigger than 
putting everything into one file and use only one import.

		Thanks in advance.

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