Is a "real" C-Python possible?

sturlamolden sturlamolden at
Mon Dec 10 17:34:55 EST 2007

On 9 Des, 23:34, Christian Heimes <li... at> wrote:

> Nevertheless it is just one algorithm that beats Python in an area that
> is well known to be slow. Python's numbers are several factors slower
> than C code because the overhead of the dynamic language throws lots of
> data out of the cache line. If you need fast and highly optimized int
> and floating point operations you can rewrite the algorithm in C and
> create a Python interface for it.

Lisp is a dynamically typed language. CMUCL can compete with Fortran
for numerical work. SBCL can compete with the Java server VM. If the
current CPython VM throws data out of the cache line, then  it must be
a design flaw in the VM.

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