beginner, idomatic python 2

bambam david at asdf.asdf
Thu Aug 30 21:19:15 EDT 2007

"Bruno Desthuilliers" <bruno.42.desthuilliers at> 
wrote in message news:46d2ba7a$0$430$426a74cc at
> As a side note, in Python, inheritance ...
> ... should usually not be used for typing.

I'm sorry, I don't even know what that means... The code I
have inherited from someone only a little more knowledgeable
than me, and is still full of development artifacts anyway.

The Pwr and Psp classes inherit from the Device class not
neccessarily because that is a Good Thing, more because
the development process led to them being thought of that
way. All devices have a mixture of common and differing

What is 'typing'?


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