building _tkinter module with .NET 2005?

joshusdog at joshusdog at
Fri Apr 27 11:25:10 EDT 2007

I have the Python 2.5.1 source and I'm trying to build the debug
version of the _tkinter module. I've got .NET 2005 (Visual Studio 8)
but the instructions in the pcbuild\readme.txt file only contain
instructions for using .NET 2003 (Visual Studio 7.1). There's another
readme.txt file under the pcbuild8 directory, but is almost identical
to the one in the pcbuild folder. (There's some information about some
new instrumented build settings, but that's about it)

The instructions contained in both these readme.txt files say that the
Tcl, Tk, and Tix projects must be built from the command line first,
using nmake.exe in conjunction with the corresponding for
each package. I can get this to work using .NET 2003, but not
with .NET 2005. Is there an updated set of instructions somewhere for
doing this with .NET 2005? Is it even possible to get it to work with
the newer version of .NET?

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