No speedup on multi-processor machine?

John Nagle nagle at
Sat Apr 21 19:36:04 EDT 2007

Caleb Hattingh wrote:
> On Apr 21, 11:02 pm, danfan1... at wrote:
>>I am using Python Thread library for my parallel processing course
>>project. I am doing matrix convolution on a multi-processor machine
>>running Solaris. I just found out that no speed-up is obtained with
>>threading. It is probably because of something called GIL in Python.
>>How can I get around
>>that GIL and get speed-up?
>>Thanks in advance.

    If you're actually doing the convolution in Python, you need
optimization before you need more CPUs.  There's a numerics library
for Python called NumPy, but it doesn't have a convolution function,
although it has an FFT, which may be useful.

    But this is just homework.  Do something reasonable and turn it
in.  A high performance solution to this problem is probably more
work than it's worth.

				John Nagle

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