Python programs always open source?

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Mon Sep 18 08:08:50 EDT 2006

"GHUM" <haraldarminmassa at> writes:

> That's one of the great freedoms of Python and its licence: You are
> free to chose the licence for your product. No GPLish "you must be
> as free as we", more BSDish: "Do what you want, do not come crying"

This has nothing to do with the license of Python. Whether Python was
distributed under the GPL, BSD or Jack's Own Oddball License, the
copyright holder of Python has no say over what license you choose for
your own work.

So long as you're not distributing some or all of Python itself, or a
derivative work, the license for Python has no legal effect on what
license you choose for your own work.

 \      "He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his |
  `\                          enemy from oppression."  -- Thomas Paine |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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