: collaborative Python documentation project

Christoph Haas email at
Sat Sep 16 13:46:34 EDT 2006

On Saturday 16 September 2006 19:16, nicolasfr at wrote:
> I am a bit disapointed with the current Python online documentation. I
> have read many messages of people complaining about the documentation,
> it's lack of examples and the use of complicated sentences that you
> need to read 10 times before understanding what it means.
> That's why I have started a collaborative project to make a user
> contributed Python documentation. The wiki is online here:
> This is a fresh new website, so there's not much on it, but I hope to
> make it grow quickly. Help and contributions are welcome; Please
> register and start posting your own documentation on it.

I like your enthusiasm but it appears that what you plan is similar to the 
Python Quick Reference at

I second that the Python documentation is lacking. There is no software 
that is adequately documented anyway. Show me a man page of a Perl module 
and it takes me minutes to use it. The same in Python often means Google 
to find some examples on how to use a module. Many parts of the standard 
library are badly documented IMHO. There is often no way to know how to 
use a certain module without looking at its source. But why don't you and 
I rather provide patches to the current documentation rather than writing 
yet another incomplete resource. IMHO should be completed. And 
at least you motivated me to look for ways to contribute to :)


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