Building things with

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at
Sat Sep 23 12:18:17 EDT 2006

James Stroud schrieb:
> <COMMENTARY>Though great for self development, I'm not so sure such
> lessons should be necessary to build these tools.</COMMENTARY>

Yes. The lesson you should take from this is: don't try to be smarter
than the authors of the software. It should build out of the box, if
you follow the build instructions literally. Deviate to the tiniest
from the instructions, and you are on your own.

If it doesn't work out of the box even though you followed the
instructions, don't try to fix it. You didn't write it, fixing
it will be a huge effort. Instead, get help from somebody, and/or
report a bug.

Always strive for the simplest possible setup. If you find that you
have to customize something, and the instructions did not tell you
to do so, question this customization. It is likely wrong or


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