Tkinter--does anyone use it for sophisticated GUI development?

sturlamolden sturlamolden at
Sat Oct 21 11:26:56 EDT 2006

Kevin Walzer wrote:

> I'm a Mac developer--Gtk does not run natively on the Mac (i.e. as an
> Aqua framework), only under X11. So that's a non-starter for me.

GTK is skinnable and can look a lot like Aqua. Qt is also just
pretending to be a native Aqua toolkit (or used to), but it is very
good at it.

That leaves you with wxPython (utterly ugly API, remninds me of MFC and
Motif), PyQt (very expensive unless GPL is not a show stopper) or

If you are willing to use Jython, you can get a native Aqua GUI from

Does at GUI really have to be "native"? I never hear anyone complain
about the looks of Microsoft Office or Mozilla Firefox on Windows,
although neither have a "native" GUI.

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