Restricting import file lookup for pyd, dll, ...

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Thu Oct 19 21:49:48 EDT 2006

At Thursday 19/10/2006 22:38, Bernard Lebel wrote:

>That's because I'm using Python through another application, via the
>pywin32 extensions. When that other application starts, it performs
>several thousands of file requests (we're talking 4,500, roughly) in
>the Python installation, locations where there are Python files, and
>in some other locations that don't make sense. This adds considerable
>time to the startup time of the application, we're talking between 2
>and 9 seconds.
>This a problem with the application, not Python. But I'm looking for
>ways to minimize this overhead so the users of this application waste
>less time waiting after the startup.

Try to shorten the PYTHONPATH to the really required directories 
(deleting those locations "that don't make sense").

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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