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Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Tue Oct 24 22:50:36 EDT 2006

At Tuesday 24/10/2006 23:25, Michael S wrote:

>I extended part of my program in C, since that part
>was too involved for Python. Now when I import the
>module I created and call its functions, I am trying
>to feedback some information bac to my wxPython
>program. The function runs for a while and I wanted to
>update a progress bar, but when I call the function of
>my new module, wxPython doesn't respond when wx.Timer
>is supposed to fire.

Does your extension run on a separate thread? I guess not. So the 
wxPython code does not have a chance to run.
Do it the other way: from your C code, call a Python function which 
in turn updates the progress bar (and keep it simple!)

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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