A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

Ken Tilton kentilton at gmail.com
Mon May 15 14:19:16 EDT 2006

Ken Tilton wrote:
> Ben wrote:
>> Nothing you have described sounds that complicated, and you never come
>> up with concrete objections to other peoples code (apart that it took
>> 10 years to write in Lisp, so it must be really hard)
> Oh, now I have to spend an hour dissecting any code you people toss-off 
> that does no more than pick the low-hanging fruit? I do not spend enough 
> time on Usenet already? :)

I want to clarify something. I did look at the code. It was the same 
thing we had with Cells after four-five hours. Yet the author admitted 
he had looked at the Cells source, so he should have known he had not 
implemented, inter alia, synapses, kid-slotting, ephemerals, optional 
laziness, and worst of all he had omitted the data integrity mechanism 
encapsulated by with-integrity. In the next exchange we discover he 
missed the ability to author Python instances individually while 
mistakenly thinking it was impossible.

Exactly how much time am I supposed to spend on someone not willing to 
spend enough time to understand Cells? I recognize, tho, a kindred 
spirit more interested in writing their own code than reading and 
understanding someone else's. :)

You too are more eager to flame me over misperceived slights to The 
Sacred Python than in Python having a wicked cool constraints package, 
and I am wasting too much time on you. I recognize, tho, a fellow Usenet 
dlamewar enthusiast. :)


Cells: http://common-lisp.net/project/cells/

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