python vs perl lines of code

Terry Hancock hancock at
Fri May 19 10:15:49 EDT 2006

Edward Elliott wrote:

>For inquiries into real-world code, it's enough to
>believe that I'm not lying
Yeah, well, this is the internet -- I've gotten emails trying to
sell me ex-soviet rocket-launchers and child porn.*

So I don't make assumptions about people without some kind
of evidence. There *are* plenty of "bad guys" out there, so
one learns both to have a thick skin and to rely on that which
is reasonably proven, rather than making casual assumptions
of good will.  That'd be like leaving your car in downtown LA
overnight with the doors unlocked.


*In the same email, no less.  This is of course an extreme
example, but there are *loads* of merely irritating behaviors
like trolling.

Terry Hancock (hancock at
Anansi Spaceworks

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