RAD tutorials and tools for GUI development with Python?

Arthur Pemberton pemboa at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 05:51:17 EST 2006

Hey guys,

I would really like to code a few more widely useable apps, but coding the
GUI just seems so boring and unnecessarily complex. Maybe I was spoilt by
Borland's Delphi/Kylix. But is there any way to do as little coding of the
GUI as possible, and worry about the logic? The best I've seen is using one
tool with a modification to output python code, which then has to be
regenerated after any change to the GUI, which to me, kinda defeats the
"rapid" in RAD.

Thanks, advice would be much apperciated. If it helps to know, I am
currently more interested in Python/Gtk (but not because I particularly like
the look of Gtk)


As a boy I jumped through Windows, as a man I play with Penguins.
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