markov query

Robert Kern robert.kern at
Tue Mar 14 20:12:58 EST 2006

kpp9c wrote:
>>Yes, a system which does this has to build a Markov
>>chain from a data set and then traverse it.
>>>Any program that actually uses Markov chains to generate
>>>new text based on existing input as you've described
> Hi. That isn't really what i have described. If i did i could use
> exsisting algorithms. What you describe is exactly what i don't want in
> this particular case. I am actually not wanting it to build a chain
> from some input that it analyzes. There is no input. If you see, i am
> trying to define a table that tells it how to proceed forward from
> scratch as a stochastic process.

Any such program has two main parts, one that trains the transition matrix from
a data set, and one that generates output from that transition matrix. You
should be able to take such a program and only use the latter component with
your transition matrix, however you choose to create it. Googling for 'python
markov' generates several leads.

Robert Kern
robert.kern at

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco

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