Tiddlywiki type project in Python?

jkn jkn_gg at nicorp.f9.co.uk
Wed Jun 14 08:48:33 EDT 2006

Hi all
    I'm trying out, and in general finding really useful, the various
TiddlyWiki variants that I guess many people here know about, for
organising my activities in a GTD way. One mild annoyance is in the
speed of the Javascript applications. I fancy having a go at writing
something like this for myself, where update speed would be a higher

I don't know Javascript (although it looks moderately simple from a
brief peruse, and I know enough languages to know I'll be able to pick
it up); however I do know and use Python, although not nuch in a
web-oriented way. Since unlike JS, python is at least pre-compiled, I
have hopes that this would make things quicker. I do appreciate that JS
is built into the browser, which might make my Python approach slower.
I'm not sure of the 'architectural' approach to this; any suggestions,
and maybe pointers to previous work?

    Thanks in advance
    Jon N

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