Need Help comparing dates

John Machin sjmachin at
Fri Jun 16 20:32:32 EDT 2006

On 17/06/2006 9:55 AM, colincolehour at wrote:
> So when I grab the date of the website, that date is actually a string?

Yes. Anything you grab off a website (or read from a file) will be held 
in a string. Typically you would then need to convert it (or parts of 
it) to some other type(s) e.g. int, float, date, ...
> How would I got about converting that to a date?

By following the instructions you have already been given. The response 
by Tim Chase gives you a stir-by-stir recipe.
You said "I am new to Python and am working on my first program". Here 
are some diagnostic questions the answers to which should enable us to 
prescribe some more help for you: In what other computer language(s) 
have you written programs? What book or tutorial are you using to learn 
Python? Have you worked through the book/tutorial's examples/exercises 
before starting "my first program"?


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