Newbie: returning dynamicly built lists (using win32com)

Nick Smallbone nick.smallbone at
Tue Jun 6 13:17:22 EDT 2006

I'm afraid I don't have a Windows machine to test on, but..

Ransom wrote:
> I get an error like:
> [<win32com.gen_py.Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library.Range instance at
> 0x15450880>]

This isn't an error. This is a list with one element, where the element
apparently represents a range of Excel cells. So by using that element
you can do things like changing the formatting of the cell, as well as
finding out what data is in there.

It looks like you might need to use excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(32,
6).Value to get the contents of cell (32, 6). (It depends on what Excel
calls it, of course, so if it's not that have a look at Excel's VBA
documentation to see if it mentions anything.)


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