style question

Terry Hancock hancock at
Tue Jul 4 06:14:18 EDT 2006

Hari Sekhon wrote:
 > Is it better to do:
>  message = """This is line1. This is line2 This is line3\n"""
>  or
>  message = "This is line1.\n message = message + "This is line2\n"
>  message = message + "This is line3\n"
>  Since the first method does not follow python's clean and easy
>  looking indentation structure but the second just looks crude and
>  ugly anyway.
>  If I indent the first version so the text is lined up to match code
>  indentation then this comes out in the input and isn't aligned there.

There's this approach, too:

from textwrap import dedent

message = dedent(
                      This is line1.
                      This is line2
                      This is line3

The dedent function strips out leading whitespace shared
by all lines in the string.


Terry Hancock (hancock at
Anansi Spaceworks

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