Extending built-in objects/classes

John Machin sjmachin at lexicon.net
Mon Jul 3 08:55:21 EDT 2006

On 3/07/2006 10:01 PM, Jon Clements wrote:
> John Machin wrote:
> (snip)
>> You have already been told: you don't need "self.<what>", you just write
>> "self" ... self *is* a reference to the instance of the mystr class that
>> is being operated on by the substr method.
> (snip)
> I get that; let me clarify why I asked again.
> As far as I'm aware, the actual representation of a string needn't be
> the same as its 'physical' value. ie, a string could always appear in
> uppercase ('ABCD'), while stored as 'aBcd'. If I need to guarantee that
> substr always returned from the physical representation and not the
> external appearance, how would I do this? Or, would self, always return
> internal representation, (if so, how would I get external appearance?).
> Or I could be talking complete _beep_ - in which case I apologise.
> Jon.
The external appearance of an object is produced by repr and str 
methods. These transform the internal value into a human-readable (and 
Python-compilable, in the case of repr) format. When you are 
subclassing, these methods would normally be inherited.

Let's transpose your question into the realm of floats. A float is 
usually a 64-bit gizmoid with about 53 bits of mantissa, a sign bit, and 
the rest is for the exponent. The external representations are character 
strings like '3.3333333333333333e-021'. You want to subclass float so 
that you can add handy methods like squared(). You would like it to be 
as simple as:

def squared(self):
     return self * self

There are two possibilities:
(a) It just works; e.g. print myfloat(1.1).squared() produces 1.21
(b) It doesn't work, you get some mysterious exception like

     TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int

which you decode as meaning that it doesn't like you trying to multiply 
two character strings together, and you have to code the return 
expression as self.__internal__ * self.__internal__ or something like that.

1. Which of these possibilities do you think is more 
2. [Stop me if you've heard this one before] When you try it out, what 
3. Have you ever seen any indication in the manuals, tutorials, books, 
code published online, etc etc as to which possibility has been implemented?


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