Python for Embedded Systems?

Jack nospam at
Sat Jul 15 13:42:01 EDT 2006

Yes, I mean Lua, not Loa  :-p

Lua is a nice language. Like you said, it doesn't have many libraries
as Python does. Plus, it's still evolving and the libraries are changing.
I found a few functions not working last time I tried kepler libraries.
It's good for embedded systems though because of its small footprint.
Extensions implemented in C makes it possible that the installation size
doesn't blow up when new stuff is added, like in Python.

But I still like Python better for its power and for the style of the 
itself. And I was hoping to find a Python implementation that bears the
principles of Lua to make it suitable for embedded systems :)

>> PHP may fit but I don't quite like the language. Anything else?
>> Loa is small but it does not seem to be powerful enough.

>You mean Lua ? Not powerful enough ? What do you mean by
>that ? Lua is great IMHO. Sure it does not come with thousands
>of libraries, but the language design is extremely clean, the
>language constructs powerful and the footprint very small.

>16kloc of C code can't hurt your embedded device can they ? ;)

>Please tell us what kind of limitation you find in Lua ...



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