Python framework questions

Anand anand.chittu at
Wed Jul 5 23:04:06 EDT 2006

mp wrote:

> Hello, I have a couple general questions.
> First, how do most web frameworks serve html? I'm coding in python and
> I want to keep all my html seperate from my python stuff. I can serve
> these html files from a mysql database or just from the file system, do
> people use both these options? Are there other options?

most web frameworks generate html from some kind of templates.
templates for very much like html but you can substitute some text
dynamically at runtime. you may also be able to do conditionals and
loops inside templates.

if you want to get a feel of it, try (
is a very simple and powerful web framework.

> Second, is a cgi-bin directory really necessary? Are there security
> issues with configuring Apache to allow cgi-bin execution in other
> directories?

i am not an apache expert.

but to the best of my knowledge, there should not be any problems. it
will be slower because for handling each request a new process has to
be created.


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