Commercial Programming

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch bj_666 at
Sun Jul 16 07:18:17 EDT 2006

In <WXoug.140972$771.125065 at edtnps89>, Boomshiki wrote:

> Now the big issue at hand is how well will I be able to mask my source code? 
> After all I wouldn't want some someone walking off to the bank with our hard 
> work. That and almost any 16 yr old can look at Python source and know what 
> it is talking about (I exadurate, but you get my point).
> So my question is how much can Python do for me in the sense of hiding my 
> source code while still maintaining portibility?

Forget it.  And even if you can hide the source this does not stop the 16
year olds from using and spreading the software without permission from

The only secure way is to put the software on a server under your control
and offer your program as web service.

	Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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