Commercial Programming

Boomshiki RayLang at
Sun Jul 16 06:56:54 EDT 2006

I don't mean to be the dick who does not support open source, but the rent 
does not pay itself these days.

What I got is a huge undertaking that will change the way teachers handing 
their grading sytem (that is as far as I can go without breaking my terms in 
the contract).

Now I have a variety of languages I can set the team up with, leaning more 
on Java(unlikely as you will read my issue) and some cross platform 
BASICs(such as RealBASIC).

Now the big issue at hand is how well will I be able to mask my source code? 
After all I wouldn't want some someone walking off to the bank with our hard 
work. That and almost any 16 yr old can look at Python source and know what 
it is talking about (I exadurate, but you get my point).

So my question is how much can Python do for me in the sense of hiding my 
source code while still maintaining portibility? 

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