threading troubles

sreekant skodela at
Mon Jul 10 17:31:24 EDT 2006

Hi there

I tried as advised. Now the function gets called only after I hit quit 
button which calls gtk.main_quit() at which point, the ui stays on but 
not responsive, while the fluidsynth runs in the fg, then ui disappears 
as the fluidsynth finishes and presumably the thread dies.

xc = threading.Thread(target=player,args=(midicmd,fmidi,addlog))

def player(mp,fm,callback):
     res=os.system(mp+' '+fm)

I tried in the player, both os.popen3 and os.system and os.popen3 with 
cmd+' &' and the same with os.system . But all do the same thing.

Any ideas!
> you can use threads, but try doing it the python way instead of the
> java way. ;-)
> def func(cmd, callback):
>     os.system(cmd)
>     callback()
> xc = threading.Thread(target=func, args=(cmd, callback))
> xc.start()

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