stderr, stdout, and errno 24

alisonken1 alisonken1 at
Thu Jul 13 15:56:22 EDT 2006

Wesley Henwood wrote:
> I've checked and double checked my code and I am closing all files
> explicitly after opening them.  The only possibliy I can think of is
> Python opening files each time I run a script, or each time imput to
> stderr or stdout is redirected.

The problem >I think< is that stout and stderr are not shared with each

Since you're calling a python interpreter, the stdout/stderr from the
C++ program is not inherited - so now everytime you call the python
script, it's creating a new process.

With each new process, you're creating a new stdout/stderr handle, and
if you're calling outside of C++ relatively quickly (say more than 100
times a minute), then the old stdout/stderr handles have not had a
chance to be garbage collected - hence, you get too many files open

The workaround would possibly be to create a Python thread or create a
stdout fifo and a stderr fifo and have your script redirect these
outputs through the fifo buffers that you're C++ code can listen to.

Not sure how to do either one in MS environments, so you'll have to ask
someone else how to work with them.

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