How do I dynamically create functions without lambda?

Kay Schluehr kay.schluehr at
Fri Jan 27 14:41:56 EST 2006

Russell wrote:
> I want my code to be Python 3000 compliant, and hear
> that lambda is being eliminated. The problem is that I
> want to partially bind an existing function with a value
> "foo" that isn't known until run-time:
>    someobject.newfunc = lambda x: f(foo, x)
> The reason a nested function doesn't work for this is
> that it is, well, dynamic. I don't know how many times
> or with what foo's this will be done.
> Now, I am sure there are a half-dozen ways to do this.
> I just want the one, new and shiny, Pythonic way. ;-)

If you want to code partial application without lambda I recommend
using the code presented in the accepted PEP 309 that will be
implemented in the functional module in Python 2.5.


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