build curiosities of svn head (on WinXP)

David Murmann david.murmann at
Mon Jan 9 07:07:33 EST 2006

Paul Moore schrieb:
>> btw, if anyone is interested in the (rather small) build-script for
>> nant, just ask,
> I haven't seen anyone ask, so can I? I'd love to see the build script.

sorry it took me so long, i have been busy the last couple of days,
but here it is:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <target name="build" description="Build all targets.">
    <solution configuration="release">
        <include name="make_versioninfo.vcproj" />
    <exec program="make_versioninfo" output="pythonnt_rc.h" />

    <solution configuration="release" solutionfile="pcbuild.sln">
        <include name="_bsddb.vcproj" />

note that bsddb is explicitly excluded because i have not figured
out how to build it without visual studio. the rest of the extensions
are more or less straightforward if you follow the instructions in

> Actually, beyond the script, what tool setup is needed? I have various
> bits of stuff (MS Visual C++ toolkit 2003, platform SDK, Visual Studio
> 8, VS .NET 2003). I found a few oddities, such as problems finding a
> usable msvcrt.lib (should it not have been using msvcr71.lib?) and
> issues generating pythonnt_rc.h.

as you can see in my .build-file i had problems with pythonnt_rc.h too.
AFAICT it should be generated by "make_versioninfo.vcproj" but somehow
it doesn't (i did not investigate further cause the above workaround
works quite well). i had no problems with any libs while building the
core python, but when building c-extensions (especially ssl was tricky
if i remember correctly).

> I sort-of got it working, and I was using a fairly old version of the
> sources (it was just a quick hack, to see if I could work out what I
> needed as a build script) but it would be nice to see the actual
> toolset listed out.

the tools i installed were:
- cygwin (with appropriate tools like svn)

- visual c++ toolkit

- nant

- the platform sdk (you dont need it complete but i dont know exactly what
  parts you need...)

- platform sdk for sp2 (i dont know whether you need this at all)

- MS .NET framework redistributable

that should be it, but i might be forgetting something.
you then need to set some environment variables like PATH, LIB and INCLUDE
to point to the directories in the different packages.


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