Zope/Plone - Is it the right solution?

Rene Pijlman reply.in.the.newsgroup at my.address.is.invalid
Tue Feb 21 11:11:02 EST 2006

Michele Simionato:
>I usually do not recommend Zope, unless you want to make a career as a
>Zope consultant. 

You have a point there.

>If you have to interact with a relational database, your life with Zope 
>may be hard: 

And if you have to interact with flat files, your life with an RDBMS may
be hard. Zope contains a full-fledged post-relational object database
called ZODB.

The time it took me to learn to program with it (outside of Zope) is less
than 1% of the time I've spent learning the relational model and SQL.

Get your data out of those silly rows and columns, and put it in
first-class objects!

René Pijlman

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