What editor shall I use?

Tim Chase python.list at tim.thechases.com
Wed Feb 8 17:27:30 EST 2006

> I myself have just begun using vim. Does anyone have any
> tips/convenient tweaks for python programming with it?

For python programming several settings can make life far less 
painful (assuming you like 4-spaces-per-tab) :

	set ai ts=4 sw=4 et


	set ai ts=4 sw=4 noet

(depending on whether you prefer tabs or spaces...just be consistent)

Setting 'ai' puts vim in "autoindent" mode.

Setting 'ts' sets how many spaces are considered an a tab

Setting 'sw' sets how many spaces-worth a shift does

Setting 'et' sets the 'expandtab' property.  When set, it expands 
typed tabs as spaces.  When unset ('noexpandtab'), tabs aren't 

You might also search the "scripts" or "tips" section of 
www.vim.org for "python" and see what sorts of scripts, tips, and 
plugins are available to supercharge your python-coding in vim.


Additionally, the vim mailing list is one of the best I've been 
on--regularly on-topic, with friendly folk, accurate answers, 
fairly fast replies, and some great minds to tap.



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