except clause not catching IndexError

Derek Schuff dschuff at purdue.edu
Wed Feb 22 11:44:22 EST 2006

I'm sorry if this is a FAQ or on an easily-accesible "RTFM" style page, but
i couldnt find it.

I have some code like this:
        for line in f:
                toks = line.split()
                    if int(toks[2],16) == qaddrs[i]+0x1000 and toks[0] == "200": #producer
                        prod = int(toks[3], 16)
                    elif int(toks[2],16) == qaddrs[i]+0x1002 and toks[0] == "200":
#consumer write
                        cons = int(toks[3], 16)
                except IndexError: #happens if theres a partial line at the end of file
                    print "indexerror"

However, when I run it, it seems that I'm not catching the IndexError:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dschuff/bin/speeds.py", line 202, in ?
    if int(toks[2],16) == qaddrs[i]+0x1000 and toks[0] == "200": #producer
IndexError: list index out of range

If i change the except IndexError to except Exception, it will catch it (but
i believe it's still an IndexError).
this is python 2.3 on Debian sarge.

any ideas?


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